
Aeration & Overseeding

 Brown Brothers’ Lawn Care provides Aeration and Overseeding services to clients in the Olathe, Overland Park, and Lenexa area.

This is a service we offer our clients in the early fall to ensure the best results. Grass seed has the most optimal germination rates in the cooler, wet conditions of the fall.

A common myth is that spring produces the best results for planting grass, but spring time is when weeds also flourish, thus taking vital nutrients from the seed. Unwanted weed growth is countered through our 6-Step Chemical Applications starting with our Liquid Pre-Emergent Application.

Aeration is needed for the lawn to reduce the soil compaction, and allow for new growth, and nutrients to be absorbed by existing roots in the soil.

Our double pass Core Aeration process loosens the soil and allows roots to plant themselves stronger in the soil, and establishes deeper root networks. These deeper and more extensive root networks lead to thicker blades of grass, and beautiful full lawns.


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